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DIGITAL DRAMA is the Erasmus Project KA210-SCH-8CF39192. This project is made of three school and an association: C.E.I.P Balcón del Tajo from Guadalajara (Spain), 4th Primary School of Hermoupolis from Syros (Greece), Istituto Comprensivo Pietro Vanni from Viterbo (Italy) and Yabanci Dil Egitimcileri Dernegi in Mersin (Turkiye).
Our project will develop key competences such as foreign languages, digital skills and communication skills. Moreover, there will be cultural exchange and using new methods. The development of internet technology has affected all areas of life as well as education and art. educational games played in the classroom environment have been replaced by interactive educational games played in virtual lessons. The main goal of our project is to enable teachers to use Drama, which is an effective method in lessons. Another goal of ours is to improve students' foreign language skills, to bring new games and techniques to our classrooms through international interaction. The most important one among the project outputs will be the "Game Exchange", which will be written by all partners in their own language and will be based on a theme in each mobility. Why a foreign language teacher teaches the subject, the degree of difficulty of the subject for the students, the method and technique that the subject will be taught, the method in which the students will be included in the subject, the strategies to be used, the studies planned for the student who is not interested in the subject reveal the purpose of our project in the most general framework.” There will be two types of products will be produced there are :E-books insisting of 16 games (4 for each activity) and videos. These products will be in the website of the project so other teachers can use them freely.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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